What is Energy Therapy?

Energy Therapy is designed to harmonise natural or abnormal internal bio-electrical fluctuations that inhibit normal bodily functions.

The most common are Chi stagnation or excess. With the most common symptom outcomes being dryness and inflammation or dampness and phlegm issues.

Common ‘ disease’ examples of these are arthritis from inflammation, or endometriosis from phlegm.

My hand delivered resonance Energy Therapy is applied with an extensive and encompassing understanding of bodily functions from an energetic ( bioelectrical), anatomic, embryonic, emotional and psychological perspective.

Michael is trained in TCM, Acupuncture Science ( he does not use needles) and Anatomy, Energetic Anatomy, Histology, Embryology and Physiology, Channel Theory, Counselling and Psychology.

His hand applied work is holistic and effective treatment for most conditions and is based mainly on the treatment principles of TCM.

All of my past and present clinical spaces are highly curated, confidential and safe professional environments. They are designed to help you return to balance and heal within yourself, and navigate the challenges of being human.

My immediate clinical goal is to identify and apply the fastest method to open the channels of congestion and allow natural flow to resume, as this flow is absolutely vital to all aspects of functionality and wellbeing, it underpins it !

Your amazing body will do the rest.

Humans are phenomenally complex creatures, and treating them does take unique skills, if you actually knew the full effects of your mind and emotions alone on your body, you would be rightly stunned.

Energy Therapy deals with the movement of subtle Bio-electricity within your biology. This is a crucial matter in wellbeing as energy is present at all levels- channels, organs, tissues, fluids, blood and cells.

But it also deals with the core of who you are and how you posture to the world. The spirit of you which manifests itself as your will and projection, coincides with your soul aspects which manifest as how you receive.

Chi ( Qi ) performance and regulation is vital for optimal health, when stagnation or excess in Qi happens, health problems emerge, just as love is essential for happiness and stagnation of love leads to misery.

Ageing is the most clinical example of this dynamic both physically and emotionally.

Energy Therapy holistically deals with you in all your manifestations through mind, emotions and physicality, because your spirit is within your energy, and Qi behaviours within you mirror you psychologically.

Angry people for example have ‘ angrily charged energy’ and it shows up in you as hot and aggressive symptoms, as does sadness present as dampness and phlegm congestion.

This may seem a bit esoteric, but it is actually a form of quantum bioelectrical science which includes space in the body, and the effects of mind and emotions within our biology being strong contributing factors.

Because your body relies on bioelectrical flow of Qi to function and repair, working with it therapeutically can provide an unexpected shortcut to resolving many physical problems.

Mentality and emotional states also have a very intimate relationship with bio-electricity, so the same principles apply.

My modality which is a hand applied resonance based Energy Therapy, painlessly re-establishes bio-energetic coherence so the body can return to healthy self regulation.

Then its about understanding and resourcing how to prevent reoccurrence.

If you ask me as a practitioner what the value proposition is, I would say that things that you might never expect to have shifts, actually do with resonance Energy Therapy ( often multiple things at once, as things are connected ), and it’s painless and safe.

One of the key benefits is nervous system regulation. We have three main nervous systems and they respond beautifully to this type of work as re-establishing energy flows enable dysfunction in nerve reporting to ease back towards natural processes.

My journey with this type of work started with a very significant physical shift in my five year old child.
It is a very holistic approach to healthcare and has no side effects, unlike many modern medical procedures and drugs.

Energy Therapy healing processes involve:

Firstly dealing with the physical, emotional and mental presentations, including physically stagnated or excessive bio-electricity and pain ( Qi ).

Secondly building resources to alleviate re-establishment of the problems, this skill has relevance in me understanding both you and your body.

The natural inclination is to let someone else heal or fix us without effort or input from us - this is ‘ life on the comfy couch’, but profound healing and understanding is intrinsically tied in with spirituality and consciousness and growth- we have to be involved.

Integrating acute or chronic energy patterns from excessive emotions or thoughts, that your body and psyche has not processed efficiently and that have formed stagnation or irregular energy patterns ( low voltage )is important.

Balancing deregulated and harmful ( low voltage ) bio-electrical movement so that re-establishment doesn’t occur is another goal.

This may often involve healing and integrating the effects of embodied emotion and trauma, false belief systems and learned attitudes.

As the sign above the temple of the Oracle of Adelphi stated “ Know Thyself “ - this is the pathway to both enlightenment and the deepest healings.

What can Energy Therapy treat?

In simple terms, it can influence everything!
Why is this?

The truth is because we are very electrical beings, we have about 35 trillion cells and each has 1.4volts in them - and thoughts and emotions subtly guide bio-electrical (Qi) behaviour, fortunately we can gently interface with the body with our hands in profound ways.

Consider this;

When irregular energy patterns are resolved or integrated, the health problems that they lead to generally resolve, often within minutes.

I’ve had clients cysts for instance, that were present for 5 years and unwound in 15 minutes.

Getting to the places where this can occur is our therapeutic journey and challenge, which is different in every circumstance and person.

Energy Therapy is designed to help facilitate the release or integration of held patterns of tension, bio-electrical incoherence/ voltage disturbance and traumatic imprinting within people - which lead to sub optimal bodily functioning, pathological energy behaviours, disease, pain and anxiety.

Many of our illnesses in the Western world have origins in these disturbances which inhibit our bodies from performing self regulation naturally.

“Qi” or “Chi” is often translated as ‘spirit’ or ‘breath’ from Chinese texts - these are well worth pondering upon.

In most of my teachings or explanations about treating there is a focus on Qi, and it is very accurate to say that working with Qi can resolve many physical issues.

What is behind manifestation of physical Qi though is the deeper spirit of the person and ‘ how they see themselves within this world’. This is the root of many an illness and greatness.

The outside world simply works as a feedback loop system to confirm these deep personal and spiritual perspectives.

I like to combine the philosophies of the three words - spirit, energy and breath to understand the effects of Qi within us, energy that is the ‘living breath of our spirit’ makes a lot of sense to me both philosophically and in treatment terms.

The Chinese, Tibetans, Indians, Japanese and other Asian cultures have beautifully included the person within their understanding of health and illness - we have so much to learn from these amazing subtle and effective methods of healthcare.

What to expect in a session !

Respect - Safety - Clarity - Confidentiality - Integrity - Professional Care.

Sessions are generally 60 minutes but sometimes a little over (at no extra cost). A good tip is don’t wait until your in a chronic state - come to me for all the things that normally trouble you now.

This short 1 minute video details what to expect in a session with Michael as a brief guide…


The science involved…

Embryology, Anatomy, Histology, Biology, Physics, Poly-Vagal Science from Western Medicine, and Bio-Electricity (Qi), Chinese Channel Theory and (TCM) in general from Chinese Medicine , all are in complete alignment.

Bio-electrical disturbances are the foundations of many illnesses, biological distortions and all chronic conditions.

Our consciousness and ability to process thought and emotion, and fully integrate our unique experiences is vital for our body to be in its natural rhythmic state of healthy self regulation.

Without this we set up internal conflicts energetically that lead to disease formation and pathological outcomes.

Michaels journey…

Like any path in life, it’s easier to understand how you got there by looking backward and piecing all the small but significant influences together.

I am a New Zealander so my spiritual foundation is in the unique culture and energy of my wonderful homeland in the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s.

My main influence has been the profound support of my wife Kasandra, our family and friends, and my many unbelievably talented teachers. These islands of safety have helped counteract the traumatic life that I have experienced.

My healing practice is the blend of my intellect, intuition, emotional intelligence and education combined to produce healing environments and sessions that produce safety and authenticity, it’s the space where you truly receive the most authentic pieces of me, and it’s generally a seamless fit for my true nature.

These sessions are a fine balance between dealing with the physical aspects of the client, and the unique personality and spirit of the individual and the journey that they have faced.

These are crucial as they affect people tremendously.

I have chosen my learning paths by feeling them a bit like a shaman unsurprisingly. If something feels right i’ll learn it, and i guess this feeling function is closely aligned with my version of emotional intelligence and unique aspects of my psyche. I am very quick to discard something if it is unproductive or founded on poor practical principles without great prospect of improvement, including much that the collective has accepted and is failing us in modern science and medicine.

So my journey of learning, apart from my myriad interactions with unique people and places, led me to these institutions;

• Nature Care College in Sydney 1993 -

Holistic Counselling Certificate I

• College of Holistic Counselling in Sydney 1994 -

Holistic counselling Certificate II

• AcuEnergetics College of Energy Medicine in Sydney 2004-2011 -

Practitioner Level training in biological energy medicine and practice and TCM.

• StraightenUp Mind Therapy - Sydney 2018 -

Practitioner Graduate.

This therapy model is all about decompression of unnatural subconscious stress that is held in the body.

• Scientific School of Oriental Medicine and acupuncture S.S.O.M.A. - London U.K. - 2019 - present.

This very comprehensive medical study includes study of Embryology, Anatomy, Histology ( Western Medicine), TCM and Acupuncture Practice including Advanced Energy and Channel Theory ( Eastern Medicine ).

Foundation level 5 Graduate.

• The Centre For Healing - Melbourne - 2022 - present -Embodied Processing.

Practitioner level training in Stored Trauma Integration -Embodied Processing.

Michael Ross
